Saturday, July 2, 2016

Lord, why do You love me?

Why do you love a sinner like me? How can you love someone who is completely lost in her own path and continually sinning? Why, Lord?

I can't completely grasp this thought that You love me despite of all the sins I've done. Despite my fall, despite my weakness and despite my failures. You have proven to me today that You can use someone for Your glory even when her life seemed to be going away from Your plans. But, Lord, I am unworthy. I have sinned against You. I am ashamed of myself. I can't even forgive myself for what I have done. But still, You love me.

Why, Lord, that You still bless me despite this sin? That You let me drown in Your unending grace even when I am unworthy? I can't understand Your love, Your love that is so amazing!

When I am almost at the peak of falling into sin, You remind me that I am Yours. You remind me that no matter what happen, I am Yours. I can't seem to understand this kind of love You are giving. By whispering to my ear "I love you, my child", I am overwhelmed and thankful that You let me suffer to teach me and humble me down.

Though I can't explain Your kind of love, that You came down from heaven's height to greet me face to face, to SAVE me, to love me, to give me HOPE, I am humbled and amazed. After I have committed a sin, You embrace me and tell me that nothing I confess will make You love me less. Your love is never ending, powerful, transforming, and mighty. After writing this, I know the enemy will try to remind me of my sins so I might do it again, in these times Lord, strengthen me, cover me, guard my heart so I may sin against You.

You are truly great, that You deserve all praises and worship. I know You've seen my tears, my heart, my desire to go to Your throne and lay down my pain. You also saw my sins and still You call me by my name.

To You my Lord and Savior, thank You. Hear my daily cry "Lord, save me"

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