Thursday, April 6, 2017

It's been a while...


I know that I haven't posted any update about me. Well, I guess no one is ever interested anyway. But, if in any case one soul wants to know, here it goes.

I've been experiencing a very bad allergies with dust, too fragant smell, smoke, and sadly, with my dog's fur. I know I had this since I was in highschool. Once I encounter any of those things, I would sneeze the whole day. It's not very comfortable, FYI. Those were the days that I hated the most. But for the past 3 years, I always have colds, cough, and sneezing became worst. Maybe because when I was in MCL, I travel from work to home vv everyday. Breathing becomes unusual, and even my ears have a bit heavy feeling. I thought it was just a normal cold, I just thought. I have Allergic Rhinitis

This week, I decided to see a doctor for ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat) to see if something is really wrong with me. To make it shorter, yes, something is wrong. :(

Since my colds happens everyday since few years back, I had sipons inside my ears and it pushed my eardrums so it had few damages. I may be deaf if it wasn't prevented. Plus, if I will not take maintaining meds, I could have asthma. See the photo above? That will be me everyday. I'll boy more with designs and prints. I have to wear this whenever in the field because a simple smoke my trigger my allergy.

The allergies will be forever my allergies. I will be taking meds for a lifetime. But that's what the doctorh says. My God is a healer! If he can heal the worst illness we could ever think, how much more this, right?

I believe this will not push through to a test, as the doctor says, if nothing changes in my situation even after taking meds, I will go through various tests. But I claim it will not happen.

In all honesty, I was afraid when I knew this. But knowing that God is with me, I know He will take away this illness from me, in Jesus name!

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