Monday, September 27, 2010

When God Speaks in Darkness

What do we usually feel if we are in the dark? WE are scared? YES. We are not comfortable? YES. We feel like someone is looking at us? YES. I actually answered that question personally. My greatest fear is DARKNESS. I just don't want to be in darkness. and YES. I pray whenever I am in the dark, but I AM STILL AFRAID.
I personally love lights and sounds that is running coz of electricity. I got BV when electricity is out. I thought that there is no life when there is no light. BUT I'M WRONG.
It's been a month of preparation, month of long thinking of how are we going to organize the YDC fellowship that was held last Sunday, 09.26.10. Since I am appointed to be lead and organize the Music team, I did my best to make it perfect, to make it well sounded. I've been so sensitive with faults and the teams childish ways. I got mad/bitter easily.
A day before the said event, I am not comfortable with the line-up of songs. It was suppose to be like this.
-Heart of Worship
-One Way
-With all I am
-How Great is our God
Then I just changed the plans of not including the underlined songs and change it to only one song, STILL.
My line-up was, I put still on the last song. but.....
Line-up of songs goes like this.
Heart of Worship
With all I am
When we are in the midst of the Worship Service, THE ELECTRICITY's OUT! I am shocked and I don't know what to do. But still, the worship leader continued in singing. Upon listening and waiting for the leader's signal if we are gonna stop or not, I realized MANY things.
I did all my best to make the worship service perfect. BUT:( I didn't prepare the team for LIVE,PURE, and TRUE WORSHIP. I cared about the instruments, the music, the tunes, the rhythm, the songs. BUT THE MESSAGE THAT WE HAVE TO TELL THROUGH WORSHIP was not in our/my heart. When we worship, it's not our mind to set but our heart. It's not about the perfectness of the PERFORMANCE, yet it is the perfectness of your heart for worship.All of us tend to think that when we join the worship service, it means we WORSHIP. We close our eyes, but, We are not really doing the TRUE worship.
And I think that's why God tested our heart when the time that the electricity's out.
The whole song of still. We sang it with no instruments. It's Hot and dark. We are confused and shocked. But STILL, we continue.
I am afraid of darkness, I PRAY, yet I AM STILL NERVOUS. What God tells me while we are singing STILL was, "Don't doubt in darkness when God is giving you the light"
One more thing, LIGHT's and POWER was out. It a challenge that God was telling us. "BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD"
Looking back, I said on the first paragraph that it annoys me when the lights and power is out. But the moment we sing STILL, I cried. that's when I realize that, me, and ALL THE PEOPLE INSIDE THE SANCTUARY ARE STILL AND CONTINUED TO PRAISE, TRULY, LIVELY, and PURE.
The best! LIGHT'S are back. and that's when we all clap with gladness that we overcome the darkness and be STILL for GOD.
With all we are, With all I am, My heart will always BE STILL and know that you are GOD.
God is truly working on everyone's life. It's been exactly a year ago after that ONDOY Typhoon. And the amazing fact was, STILL was an anthem when ONDOY strikes our country.
I know that God is smiling so much that He has seen His children worship Him with the Heart of Worship, With all they are. And because, even the oceanic PROBLEMS rise, and the thunders that roars and keeps on destroying us, floods of trials came, GOD will always be the KING above all. AND WE WILL SOAR WITH HIM, UPON THE STORMS in our life.
From now on, DARKNESS WILL NEVER EXIST. Co'z I know that there's GOD who will give me HIS light. Co'z I know that GOD SPEAKS IN DARKNESS.
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing.
God Bless!
(c)Zelle Rana

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