Thursday, June 28, 2012


Hey there! :) Here's to the first post of my featured person churva. Since I mentioned form my last post that I am going to feature some people whom I found interesting. And the first interesting person is my Bestfriend no. 1 

Regina Lyn Mondez

We grew up together. We shared many thoughts of some random situations and especially, when it come to love, we experience that same situation. She's fun to be with and I love eating with her. It feels like eating with her is endless. HAHAHA. We both don't care if we get fat, unless she changed her mind. We don't care if we have brownish skin, and we don't user any whitening soap. Hmmm. We are both praying for the right guy to come. We have witnessed each other's heartaches and pain and we both advise each other. She taught me many things especially in spiritual matters. We have the same spiritual birthday and we're so happy that we both became matured in faith. She's a total girl! I can't ask for more of her, yes I can ask less of her, HAHA, she is sometimes a bitter butter. Who became sweet then gets bitter at the same time. Well, that's her. so I love her for that. She's my spiritual ate and she helped me a lot in growing spiritually. That's her! ATE REGINA! :) The Queen of the World.
Next is my Bestfriend No. 2

Kim Carlo Almuete
If you will ask me who is him, well, he's the guy that I used to fell in love with even though I don't the reason. He's smart, multi-talented and super jolly. We also grew up together in church. We are classmates in highschool and he's one of the reason why I changed a lot way back October 2009. He's a dancer, singer, a little bit drummer, choreographer, cook, eater, mind eater, and most of all, a leader. From the way he stands to the way he walk, you can feel his leadership aura. In school, in church, in our community, he's a leader. If God has poured out spirit of leadership, he gets a lot.  He is also my inspiration in my first novel. He is named Sam there. Since me, ate reg, kim and eben shared half of our lives togethere, we have made many memories. That's why it's never hard for me to write novel entitled "Memories" because I have stored many memories in my mind, memories with Kim.

Next is my Bestfriend No. 3

Ebenezer Mondez

Who happens to be my instructor now in Graphics. It's a little awkward to be a student of my bestfriend. In terms of sharing problems with church and personal, we shared a lot of it. And with love matters, we talked about it a lot because I am always the one who spoil his beloved girl. hahaha I have seen him broken, happy, angry, sad, crying, and most of the times, laughing. With ate Reg and Kim, we've been through a lot of challenges and thank God, we overcome it!  Eben is one of the funniest person I knew. He just deliver a joke  naturally, yet, it's so funny! And since we're bestfriends, with just one look in each other's eyes, we can figure out a funny and awkward moment and then in an unknown reason, we laugh. 

The four of us grew together. We've been friends/bestfriends for a decade already. And I can say that this friendship we have is the friendship that will never ever fade. Even when we grew old, (because I don't grew up. HAHA) we have some plans like going out of the country TOGETHER. And I know that we will be in the same journey even with a different experiences. God molded us together and we know that God has plans for the four of us. And honestly, when we we're youngsters, we are praying for so many prayers and thank God, half of it are answered.

I thank God a lot for their lives. They have been my inspiration. Even I am a little weak compare to them, they manage to be with me just as I am. And I want to thank the three of you for helping me in so many ways. I LOVE YOU ALL! :)

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