Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The Social Media and your Faith

For the past few weeks, I've using my Facebook too much. I can honestly say that it has been part of my daily routine to check on my Facebook and post, share, like, and react on my friends posts. How do social media affects my faith? Well, a lot.

The social media (that includes this blog, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, and other app that you use to communicate) have been a major requirement for one's existence. When you got a new friend, they would ask you "Can you add me on facebook?" or "Follow me on instagram.". Positive side, it has helped me connect with my friends that I rarely see and talk to them like they are actually here beside me. It also help me to share and declare my faith through my facebook post. But do you know what's the negative side of

I am honest about this, my life isn't as perfect as what you can see in my Facebook timeline. I got depressed trying to reach the standards of what I see on Facebook. Like relationship goals, life goals, room goals, family goals, and all goals you can see on your timeline. Even the so-spiritual Facebook pages have done so much condemnation and forgot that its not their own word that matters but the Word of God. The social media have set too much standards on how you should live, and the worst case is, it controls you. It has controlled me and the way I think. I am actually "not-okay" now because I've been so fed up of so many future goals that I saw on the social media and I am not okay because I haven't done much to reach those. But wait, I am wrong. The social media should not define me. It shouldn't have defined my existence. The social media offers a "perfect-life" where, even when nobody ask you, you are required to post something about your life on the social media. Your movie date, your trips, your first day in school, your first kiss, your first hand to hold, your conversation with your sweet boyfriend, and your feet drowned in the white sand. It's good and okay to share these things, but let's admit that in reality, your face is on your phone the whole time.

Sad to say, we are all prisoners of our own phone. We forget to read the Bible and rely on what our favorite fb page can offer.

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