Sunday, October 7, 2012

Dylan Sato to Warren Martin Cunanan

I actually knew this Dylan Sato person 2 years ago. While surfing on tumblr for some tumblrpeymus, I found his site (dylanexclusive). As from my memory, I felt that spark from him that only Christian can feel. As a Christian, I knew that he is a Christian too.

After a year, I remembered him again when I saw his photo posted on a like page. I don't know how it came to the point when I followed him on twitter and subscribed in his facebook.

Tonight, I randomly say his post with a picture of a baller with a verse on it. And I said, "OH! He's really a Christian." Then I visit his twitter account then saw that he has a tumblr blog again. As I read his blog, I am convinced that he's a Christian and each post is a blessing. Each post draws his life as a Christian and how deep he is in love with God. He is the guy who owned fame before and let it go all of a sudden then came back with a new personality, new purpose, and new name. I love it when he said to his post, "I came back because I want to tell others how God loves them."

So, here's Warren Martin Cunanan. A guy who blessed me tonight. Hey Warren! Thumbs up! :)
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