Saturday, February 2, 2013

The most expressed Narrative Report, ever.

January 25, 2012 – This was an important day of my life, I know. Today, I’m going to plant trees that were the key for me to graduate. Little did I know that planting wasn’t that easy!

It was a fine day, but I woke up late! Oh no! It’s almost 6 AM and I’m still stretching my body while lying on my bed. I wasn’t that sure if this body’s gonna move a single muscle. Cold fresh air is telling me to sleep more. Well, an idea popped up in my mind. I remember that tree planting will be held at our town. So I decided to sleep a little longer, took a bath, and  brush my teeth, sing some Christian songs, read a passage on the bible, wear my black department shirt and tight jeans. Oh Yes! I’m almost ready.

I get my thoughts together and hopped on a tricycle then went to “PALENGKE”. I waited for about an hour or less because service from school got delayed.

My phone’s got a problem! It can’t save my newly received messages so I am having problem texting my classmate. Thank God! Jafet has load so he called me. Oh! I love him.
Maam Rachel Rivano also called me using her phone. I feel like everyone’s concerned with me. Yes they are! J

So I stepped my foot little by little and went to the other side of the road. Other students from different section saw me and a questioning look was on their faces. “How come that this lady is waiting there?”. Sir Daracan, Sir Wacky, and Sir Edward saw me also. It gave me relief and convinced myself that I am doing the right decision. There goes the jeepney where my beloved classmate was. I sat beside Jafet and it’s so sweet of him that he reserved a comfortable seat for me. I saw my classmates as they waved their hands to me and says Hi. I missed them so much! I wish I could have some more time to spend with them.

It was such an amazing experience during the trip. They are getting paranoid of the zigzag road that we are in. I feel like I’m really a resident here, because I am. I don’t feel that excitement they are feeling. Guys! I’m used to it. Don’t be so over-reacting on such things.

As we arrived at the location, it’s something like “Caliraya Springs”. I don’t really remember the name of the location but I know I’ve been there before. And back then, I called it Victoria Hills. What on earth did I called it with that name? HAHA. Anyways. I brought my Digital Single Lens Reflex or DSLR that my dad bought for me as a gift. This is by far the most expensive gift I ever received. I took picture of some sceneries and I photo my classmates and friends, my OJT friends, my new friends, my Forever Family. I feel like crying seeing them happy to see me. This is so dramatic. I know it’s supposed to be just a narrative report, but let me just tell you this who are reading this at this very moment, it will be a longest narrative report you will ever read. We’re not almost there at the planting thing. :D

Seeing them smile makes me cry. I know it has to be a reflected emotion but who can blame me? We will be graduating sometime this year. This has been the most loveable, most funny, most challenging time of my life, the college life. Meeting these wonderful people who have made a great impact in your life make me realize that this was all God’s plan. I never planned of being so much friendly this college because I really am a Ms. Invisible way back high school days. College life has molded me into a different person and I know that Rio who has lived her college life was the real Rio. No doubt.

I saw the amazing world of gumbal! LOL. I really saw the amazing works of God in this location.  Grass was way way way taller than me. The little mountains are molded like someone has done it like a clay. And of course, the man-made lake was pretty awesome. God is really great.

We walked to the location, and while walking with Katy, we have shared so many thoughts. This was the most missed moment of my life, talking with Katy like there’s no tomorrow. And at last! We’re on our super location. It was hot as the sun directly sending light rays to my face. You wanna burn me sun? Don’t you?
I get 3 little trees to be planted just as we are ordered to do. I took a picture of it being this as my first ever planting experience, except those planting experience on vases.

I prepared my ever epic fail planting tool. Yeah. It’s TOOL. Just one. I brought my niece’s toy that looks like a planting tool. It’s not helping me at first because the land was a little compressed. I can’t get them away from themselves. They’re so inlove! HAHAH. That’s why I borrowed a real planting tool from Gladys and Jafet.

As I plant my first little mahogany tree, I was awkwardly talking to it and saying, “I may not visit you often, but please grow taller than me. It was such an achievement to have you.” Awkward right? Well, that’s me! So I plant, and plant, and planted more! It’s was fun! Thank God for using me to plant these trees! I feel like I gave a life to something.

I am feeling a little distressed and haggard. This direct heat from the ever shining sun was killing me. It’s getting me burnt. So I borrowed the tall metal planting tool (I don’t know how’s called) and used it. It was helping! I’m digging a deeper home for my little trees!

I’m almost done but then I saw some little trees were scattered around the area. How come that these little trees are not yet planted? We’ve been here for an hour or more and hundreds of graduating student are present on this event. So to stop this curiosity, me, with my beloved classmates, choose to plant those unplanted trees. It became a bonding moments for us because everyone was enjoying the moment together.

And finally! All the little mahogany trees were planted! Time for lunch! So we headed to the ever famous garden, I guess, the Japanese Garden. This garden was a reconciliation gift that Japanese Government gave to the Philippines during their conquering days in our country. HAHA. I knew that because I read the note posted on the shrine there.

So to make my classmates excited for this garden, I told them that. Duh! I’ve been there a hundred times so there’s no way for me to be excited going here. So me being the resident of this town we’re in, I tour them a bit and gave some trivia about the garden.

I love how I can be myself when I am with my classmates. I just act like a little kid in front of them and ask for some food since I didn’t bring pack lunch. I wasn’t even aware that we have to bring that! So, I got full with several viands and drinks.

I took some picture to make this tour a little more memorable. But everything has its ending. It’s time to go home. Augh. I’m gonna miss my classmate again. Knowing that it’ll be two weeks or more before meeting them again make this tour more memorable and exciting I sat to the place that Jafet reserved for me if you remember. And I decided to go home because I am not feeling so well.

I went home carrying a smile on my lips while my classmates and friends fills my thoughts. This has been one of the memorable experiences in my life and it shows to how long I wrote this narrative report. If given a chance to study again, I would choose to study with these people. I just can’t imagine studying with other group of people. This God-given group has been my precious group. I love them so much. Tree planting has been an amazing experience. I reflected on many things and I make myself busy bonding with my amazing friends.

Thanks for reading this. It will be an honor if you find this writing a wonderful piece. J Just like how God created you, wonderful reader. God bless!


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