Tuesday, September 10, 2013

You are Loved

One day, my dad told me that I'm lazy, that I don't do anything but sleep, watch T.V. and eat. He says that if these actions will take place until the next day, he will go back to Malaysia as early as possible because I just give him stress.

I woke up so late that day and my dad was annoyed. It hurts. Because everything he said was true. Knowing how much I've been trying to impress him but ended up disappointing him, is really painful. But after what happened, I felt how much my dad loves me that he makes me realize my flaws. When I was younger, I tend to get mad whenever he scold me, but now, I just cried and wish that I've done better to make him happy.

How God discipline us is almost the same. God may not literally tell us our mistakes, but through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and His Word, we always feel bad if we did something wrong. We know that we can do whatever we want but because of God's love, He never let us do foolish things. But if we do, He let us experience its consequence but still loves us the same.

Ephesians 3:19 says, "and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Our mind cannot fully understand the love of Christ, on how wide it can be, how great, how deep, and high. But once we accept His love, we may be filled with the fullness of life that comes from God.

Love doesn't always mean hugging, kissing, having relationships, or having what you want. It may also mean knowing our flaws from someone who truly loves us. It may hurt us at first glance, but through deep understanding, you will realize the YOU ARE LOVED.

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