Sunday, June 24, 2012

Echo "I Love Jesus";

Just so you know, I am currently working on our thesis(with my groupmates Katy and Jean) entitled "Interactive Learning Tool for Sunday School"

It is really hard for me to pretend that I am a programmer even if I am not. Yes. I understand codes, but not LOGIC! I am such a foolish girl when it comes to logical operations.

One night I prayed to God, "Lord, please give me this night the opportunity to be knowledgeable in php codes, also in databe management. I really need it Lord." And God proved to me again His greatness. I read PHP tutorial from the basic up to the major logical operations. And just in an hour or more, I have build some operations that we really need. Thanks to for teaching me how to program php! :) And thanks to God for answering my prayer.

The a day after, a friend, who is a programmer, left a message on my facebook and said, "I can teach you php. for Free." WOW!!! Thank God! Maybe my friend have read my epic post about getting problematic in programming. It's too kind of him to help me even without pay. God is so great! He's really providing all my needs just in time. and unlike before, I am afraid of taking responsibilities because I don't know if I can handle it. But now, everything just flow normally. I am a Secretary in a big youth organization, also, I am a photojournalist at our University, LSPU-SCC, I am our church Youth Treasurer, I am a student, a mentor, a simple child of my mom and dad who do house chores, a semi-mommy who take care of her nephews every night, and I am doing our thesis. Isn't it great? That in 24 hours of my life, I can do all these things, you know why? Because I know God has put his trust in me. He trust me that I can do all these things even without getting tired. Because He, Himself is my strength. And I love this feeling of doing all these things because I know this is what God wants me to do, to fully offer my time, effort, and everything to Him.

It's Sunday, and the Pastor's message fits in what I am feeling. Lately, I am carrying all my heavy loads all by myself, but God spoke to me through the Pastor's message, He said, "28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” -Matthew 11:28-30
I admit. I felt burdened for the past days, but God made me realize that I have Him, He is just there to help me carry my loads, or rather, carry it all for me. 

I am so thankful with what God has been doing in my life. I feel so blessed. Everyday I woke up as I meditate His word, I feel like He is telling me, "My child, it will all be well. Just trust in Me."


God bless you! and may you trust the LORD today! :)

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